Utility Assistance Programs
CSP employs several programs to assist families with high energy bills. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Alabama Business Charitable (ABC) Trust Fund, Emergency Food & Shelter (EFSP), Project SHARE, and Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) assist specifically with utility bill payments. For income-eligible clients, payments are made by CSP directly to the utility company on the client's behalf.

Program Services
CSP employs several programs to assist families with high energy bills. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Alabama Business Charitable (ABC) Trust Fund, Emergency Food & Shelter (EFSP), Project SHARE, and Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) assist specifically with utility bill payments.
For income-eligible clients, payments are made by CSP directly to the utility company on the client's behalf.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally funded program administered by the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA). LIHEAP is funded through a grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ADECA contracts with Community Action Agencies and local nonprofit agencies to deliver LIHEAP to low-income households throughout the state.
Alabama Business Charitable Trust Fund (ABC Trust)
The Alabama Business Charitable Trust Fund, Inc. aims to assist low-income individuals and families with their energy bills during temporary financial hardships. The Trust is dedicated to addressing the needs of low-income Alabamians facing urgent financial challenges.
Emergency Food & Shelter Program (EFSP)
EFSP was created by Congress to help meet the needs of hungry and homeless people throughout the United States and its territories by allocating federal funds for the provision of food and shelter. CSP uses the Rent/Mortgage category and it is intended to allow CSP to pay a one month amount of rent or mortgage fro qualifying clients. Each household may receive this assistance only once per spending period.
Project SHARE
The Alabama Region of the American Red Cross administers the only registered Project SHARE (Service to Help Alabamians with Relief on Energy) in Alabama. Project SHARE continues to provide emergency energy assistance to elderly and disabled Alabamians in peak winter and summer months. The program assists Alabamians in 59 counties statewide.
Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP)
The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is a new program funded through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Community Services (HHS-OCS). The purpose of the program is to provide emergency assistance to low-income households for drinking water and wastewater services.