Head Start
The Head Start program, founded in 1965 as part of Lyndon B. Johnson's War on Poverty, provides early childhood education, health, and nutrition services to low-income families. Its goal is to prepare young children for school success, helping to break the cycle of poverty and promote educational equity.

Head Start
The Head Start program takes a comprehensive approach to meet the needs of children and families. The program supports the educational, social, and emotional development of children from birth to 5 years of age. The program encompasses the Head Start program for preschool, which serves children 3 to 5 years of age, and the Early Head Start program for infants and toddlers, which serves children birth to 3 years of age. In addition to education services, children and their families are provided with support, information and resources related to health, nutrition, family engagement, and other services. Services provided are responsive to each child and family's ethnic, cultural, and linguistic heritage.
Head Start services are provided at no costs to families.
Apply Now for Head Start
Alberta Head Start/Early Head Start-Tuscaloosa County
Bibb County Head Start
Fayette County Head Start/Early Head Start
Greene County Head Start/Early Head Start
Lamar County Head Start/Early Head Start
Moundville Head Start-Hale County
Sawyerville Head Start/Early Head Start-Hale County
This website is supported by Grant Number 04CH011857 from the Office of Head Start within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of Community Service Programs of West Alabama, Inc. and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Head Start.